Our Vision

At Hob Hill we want children to develop a love for mathematics and become confident, resilient problem solvers who are able to use the resources and manipulatives they need to be successful and flourish as rounded mathematicians. We want all children at Hob Hill to experience success  in their Math. We aim to deliver a mastery approach to Math’s learning from Early Years through to Year 6 where all children will be taught using a consistent CPA, concrete, pictoral, abstract approach. Children will access a range of fluency and variation activities as well as opportunities for all children to problem solve and reason. They will be encouraged to justify and explain their thinking to further embed and deepen their understanding using the correct mathematical language across the school. We will use White Rose maths to deliver this approach whilst using the Ready to Progress and NCETM prioritisation materials to further support the children’s understanding and progress.


Early Years

Children in the Early Years will begin their mastery journey through exploring their Math's learning in a fun, play based way where children can explore number, shape and measure in a stimulating, fun and creative way. This will allow children to experience success and a love for Math's can begin to be fostered. Through more explicit small group teaching, small steps will be followed. Children in the Early Years will be exposed to the correct Mathematical language from the onset and will be encouraged to repeat and join in phrases to embed their knowledge. They will be encouraged to use mathematical manipulatives for the concept being taught so as they can make links to their prior learning, as they progress through into KS1.


Look at us in action!


Photos to follow .....

Key Stage One

Key Stage One will continue to build upon the solid foundations of number sense and mastering number as they progress through the key stage. White Rose small steps will continue to be used to support the teaching of a mastery approach.  Children will be introduced to Numbots as a fun way for the children to learn and retain important math's facts: number bonds. Every child will be encouraged to reach their potential and success will be celebrated. Sentence stems will be introduced so as the children begin to justify their thinking Answers may be scribed or quoted by teaching staff until the children are able to write their justifications independently.


Here we are in action!


Photos to follow...

Key Stage Two

Key Stage Two will continue to build upon the learning from the previous years, encouraging the children to be making links throughout their learning and referring back to past learning to further embed and deepen their thinking and understanding. Children will be encouraged to take more ownership of the CPA approach and begin to understand how, when and what to use and why. TTRS will replace Numbots so the children can begin to recall their times tables so as the children can earn their times tables in a fun way and to prepare them for  the Year Four Statutory check in the Summer term. Manipulatives will be used to support teaching throughout the key stage.


We love Maths!

A  love of Mathematics

As a result of math's teaching at Hob Hill, you will see children who have a real love for math's learning and are excited and challenged. They will become increasingly confident to justify and explain their thinking demonstrating a clear understanding of their learning, whilst making links to previous skills and learning. Children will use subject specific vocabulary with understanding. Children will have rich learning experiences that include handling and using manipulatives, outdoor learning opportunities, enrichment days, challenges and opportunities to celebrate their own and other children’s success.

What do our children say?



Supporting Documents

 Watch this space!


Numbots is a fun way to help children in Early Years and Key Stage One learn their early number facts and number bonds. Learning these help to embed future learning  make links to prior learning and progress onto their times tables.

Children will work through different robot levels as they become more confident. Children will all be given a login so they are able to practice regularly at home and success and effort with be rewarded in our Celebration Worship in Friday afternoon. In school children will practice on Numbots and complete other linked activities.

Please see the attached guide for parents for more information.

Times Table 

Rock Stars and Robots Day 2021!


Making Maths Fun!