Home Learning

At Hob Hill, we subscribe to a number of online learning resources to support the continuation of the children's learning out of school.  Children and parents are provided with login details for the relevant resources, so that they can complete regular practice of key skills in a fun and engaging way.  Below are the main resources we use - click the images to link to the websites.

Tapestry online learning journal – Cranmer Pre School Aslockton

Meridian Community Primary School & Nursery - Numbots

King's Academy College Park - TT Rockstars

Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - Spelling made awesomer!

Purple Mash (2simple) | Herts for Learning

Parents of Nursery and Reception children have access to Tapestry...

Tapestry is our online learning journal, which provides a record of the children's experiences, learning and progress throughout their time at Hob Hill.  Parents can access Tapestry to see how their children are getting on, as well as adding their own comments and media to share what the children are doing outside school.

Our Y1/2 children have access to Numbots...

NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.  This includes the skill of 'subitising', rapid recall of number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 100 and mental calculation strategies.

Our Y3-6 children have access to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)

TTRS is a carefully sequenced, individualised programme of daily times tables practice.  Through engaging online games, in-school paper practice and the challenge to rise from Wannabe to Rock Hero, children improve the speed and accuracy of the times table recall.  They also apply this knowledge to related division facts.

Our Y1-6 children have access to Spelling Shed...

Spelling shed provides online practice for weekly spellings through fun games and activities.  Each week the children are set spellings linked to class learning, as part of the National Curriculum.  These can be practised online, alongside paper based and class learning throughout the week, before an in-school test.

Our Y1-6 children have access to Purple Mash...

Purple Mash is the scheme we follow for our Computing curriculum.  It is has an exciting range of games and activities which not only teach computing and digital skills, but also support learning across the curriculum.  As well as out regular in-school teaching, Purple Mash can be accessed at home to allow the children to practice and apply their skills.